03 jul Yearbook of Women’s History: Building Bodies
De 38e editie van het Yearbook of Women’s History (voormalig het Jaarboek voor vrouwengeschiedenis) is begin juli verschenen en het thema dit jaarboek is Building Bodies. Gastredacteur voor deze editie is Marjet Derks, hoogleraar sportgeschiedenis aan de Radboud Universiteit en voormalig bestuurslid van Stichting de Sportwereld.
Building Bodies: Transnational Historical Approaches to Sport, gender and Ethnicities
Taal: Engels
Bindwijze: Paperback
Prijs: € 23,-
Aantal pagina’s: 230 pagina’s
Met illustraties
Te bestellen bij Uitgeverij Verloren
Women are on the move. Traditionally, sport has been a masculine domain, dominated by men and capacities that have culturally been ascribed to men. But this is changing as women’s participation in sport continues to increase throughout the world, their successes are widely celebrated and ‘fitgirls’ have become part of popular culture. The 2018 Yearbook of Women’s History shows muscle: its focus is on sport and sporting bodies: their transgressing practices, representations and impacts on femininities, masculinities and ethnicities. Fourteen contributions by different authors elaborate on the processes that have underpinned these enormous and in many ways gendered changes. What was the role of female pioneers and their supporters? How have issues of gender changed sport and vice versa? And, finally, what transnational and intersectional dynamics of sports have played a role in these transformations?
MARJET DERKS, Introduction
OLAF STIEGLITZ, The ‘Rhythmic Smoothness’ of Crossing a Hurdle. A Transnational and Visual Gender History of Hurdling, 1910s-1930s
SAMANTHA JAYNE OLDFIELD/LISA TAYLOR/DAVE DAY, Spreading the Word. British Sportswomen and the International Diffusion of Sport
ANOMA VAN DER VEERE, Depicting Female Athletes in Japan During the 2016 Rio Olympics. Individual Success versus Dominant Ideologies
HOLLY OBERLE, The Last Male Stronghold? American Exceptionalism, Football, and Women
ANASTASIJA ROPA, Gender in Horse Racing. Queens and Mistresses in the Sport of King
MARJAN GROOT, Picture Essay. Visual Politics of Popular Health, Sports and Bodies in the Design of the American Magazine Physical Culture, 1900-1940
JON VERRIET, ‘Strong as a Bear, Gracious as a Gazelle’. Shaping a New Female Athleticism in Dutch Sports Magazines and Advertisements for Sports Food and Beverages, 1960-1980
HELENA TOLVED, Building her Body. Representing and Negotiating Femininity and Muscularity in women’s Bodybuilding from the 1970s
INES BRAUNE, Gender and Parkour in the Arab World
LATOYA DRAKE/PASCAL DELHEYE, Dribbling Out of Bound. The Impact of Migration on the Social and Political Consciousness of Black U.S. American Female Basketball Players
PATRICK SALKELD/ZACH BIGALKE, Sport as an Intersectional Locus for Protest
SCARLETT L. HESTER, ‘I Promised the Brazilian People’
RONDA ROUSEY, Whiteness, and the UFC as a Neocolonial Enterprise
EVELINE BUCHHEIM/MARJAN GROOT, Women and Sport in China. An interview with former professional Dutch table tennis player Bettine Vriesekoop

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